Expected Points Added (EPA) Leaders Through Week 3
Ford Bohrmann
Below are the Expected Points Added (EPA) leaders for the EPL through week 3. The week 1 leaders can be found in an earlier post here. To reiterate, EPA weights goals based on how important they are to the team's chance of winning the game. This is based on the notion that a go ahead goal in the 90th minute is worth more than the 5th goal in a 5-0 win.

Some interesting things to point out...
- While Rooney has 5 goals this season, Welbeck's 2 goals have actually been more beneficial to United. In fact, Rooney doesn't even make the top 15 list above considering most of his goals were in the recent Arsenal blowout.
- Dzeko gets to the top of the list by scoring frequently and in important situations. His average goal weight is a solid .51 expected points added, but just because of the fact that he has scored 6 goals puts him at the top.
- It's still early in the season. Arteta makes third on the list with only 1 goal (a late game winning goal). Soon we'll start to see the top dominated by players who have scored a lot, and in important situations.